Create a career that connects the dots

The Navigation Package is for creative generalists looking for a career where their random skills become unique assets

Do you feel like you don’t really fit the job titles and roles out there? Do you often feel a bit misunderstood by others? Do you struggle to find time for all your passions and are frequently taken over by overwhelm (and even exhaustion)?

I hear you. Many of us have more than one thing we’re passionate about and feel trapped by the society that constantly asks us to define ourselves. When we have multiple skills and talents, it can be hard to prioritise them and be seen through all of them. A brain full of ideas can be heaven in moments where creativity needs to flourish. However, the same brain can be hell in moments where you just need to focus, decide and get sh*t done.

You might think that you should focus on one thing and envy people who have done so. But what if I told you that your generalist profile is exactly what the world needs and people like you are unlikely to run out of work? What if I told you there’s a way to use all your talents and skills without burning out or feeling lost? And, what if this could also help you live your purpose while paying the bills?

If this sounds like something you’d like to explore, keep reading.

The Navigation Package

The Navigation Package is designed for individuals with a wide array of experience, passions or skills (such as creatives, senior experts, and entrepreneurs) who feel a calling for something new but need to clarify their vision and turn it into a tangible path.

It’s a 10-week strategic and exploratory process tailored to your specific situation. It combines live sessions, homework, meditation practices, feedback and problem-solving in between sessions and additional resources to support your unique needs.

It’s important for me to fully see and hear what you’re about. So our collaboration won’t be stale and formal (think: counselling) but relaxed and direct (think: like speaking to a friend). I believe that the better our connection is, the better results we’ll achieve.

How it works?

You’ll choose 2–3 objectives for our work from the “menu” below. These will inform our process and help make sure you get the answers you’re looking for.

  • Define your professional profile and the value you bring.

  • Start a new business and establish a business plan.

  • Develop a strategy for your business instead of just doing what others ask of you.

  • Establish self-management and time-management routines that will help you avoid burnout and overwhelm.

  • Recognise career paths that allow you to express your multiple interests.

  • Establish a professional profile around your expertise and talents.

  • Attract the right clients.

  • Define the networks, potential partnerships, employers, etc., that could help you achieve your goal.

  • Get clarity on your unique purpose.

  • Match your purpose with making an income.

  • Create the necessary materials (such as a website, social media channels or newsletter) to communicate who you are and what you do. (Because of my background in creative agencies, I can also offer very hands-on support on concepts and materials.)

  • Raise your ambitions and break out of thinking small.

What the Navigation Package includes:

  • 10 weeks of coaching with 5 x 60 min bi-weekly sessions and related exercises.

  • Weekly check-ins and a chat conversation to work on materials and get the support you need in between sessions.

  • Meditations to support your wellbeing and inner calm throughout the coaching.

  • Possibility to continue the relationship with accountability sessions at an affordable price after the 10-week programme.

  • A follow-up call after 1, 3 or 6 months after the coaching.

  • BONUS: Access to Aurora’s Get High on Hope online course (4 weeks of content), which will help you use hope as a superpower to make your dreams a reality.

Who is this coaching for?

I coach experts who have a lot to give to to the world. You might be:

  • A creative generalist who doesn’t know what the heck to do with all the random things they’re good at.

  • A multi-passionate person has a wide range of interests that seemingly have nothing to do with one another (for example, law, massage, and psychology).

  • A creative who wants to aim higher and create something meaningful.

  • One of the above contemplating a career as a freelancer or solopreneur.

My promise to you

My name is Aurora Airaskorpi, and I’m the founder of High on Hope. I want to help you get acknowledged for your expertise and talents in a way that feels meaningful to you and that serves others around you.

My coaching philosophy is grounded in creativity, wisdom and realism.

Creativity: You get to be your wild, creative self without having to fit to a box, and we can explore exciting and purposeful options even if they’re a bit ‘out there’.

Wisdom: I will invite you to develop a stronger connection to who you are and listen to your inner guidance. I will also offer the wisdom I have gained through my path as a multipassionate creator – but, I won’t try to make you copy my path but find your own.

Realism: We will set realistic expectations, talk about money and get real about what you need to do to succeed in a chosen path. It’s not going to be just fun and rainbows but also require effort and compromise.

I have over 10 years of experience helping experts and creatives actualise their projects, establish themselves as experts and get stuff done.

I’ve published two books on managing the pressures of working life while staying true to your ambitions and taking care of yourself.

I have degrees in social sciences, coaching, and yoga. Before embarking on my coaching career, I held managerial positions within creative agencies. I’ve worked with businesses, creatives, academia, non-profits, and the public sector. I've also changed countries more than once to create the lifestyle I’m after.

In addition to coaching, I have creative skills in writing and visual design. My career media and this website, including their visual identity, were made by me (logo excluded; that was a gift from an awesome friend <3). This goes to say, that I don’t wait around to be perfect at something but learn by doing and watching others. I get things done and empower my clients to do the same.

You can learn more about my background on LinkedIn.

So, how did I end up here?

As you probably have noticed already, I have a range of passions ranging from coaching to science writing to teaching yoga. Has it been easy for me to decide which one to pursue? Hell no. Just like you, I’ve struggled, been too focused on what others might think of me and experienced different degrees of imposter syndrome.

When I left the safety of my paid full-time job as Creative Director of a communications agency to pursue my multiple passions, I had nothing more than a six-month salary in savings and one freelancing gig. I wasn’t sure if I was being silly or crazy, but I knew I had to take that leap of faith. Luckily, until this day, I’ve never had to use those savings and in my second year of freelancing, I reached a six-figure revenue for my business.

It took me those two years to build trust in the fact that I can support myself financially. And little by little, I started taking more risks. Such as deciding to go fully remote, say no to paid gigs to invest time in growing my coaching business and listen to my intuition instead of social media gurus who try to tell me that all that matters is making your first million. I’m not doing what I do for the money (even though I need a certain level of financial safety to feel like I can deliver my best work). I do it for the purpose and sense of connection I get from my work.

The risks I’ve taken have led me to my current position as a coach for individuals and organisations. I still take risks, try things that don’t always work and sometimes worry about what other people think. But then I remind myself of the service I can provide and the positive outcomes I’ve achieved with my clients. And remind myself that it’s not about me; it’s about the value I can bring. As long as my work is helping someone else thrive, I shall keep going.

More About My Philosophy

What my coachees are saying

“Aurora’s gentle, attentive, but solution-focused coaching was exactly what I needed to gain control of my working life. I gained a more structured approach to self-management and I learned to recognise time-wasters, say “no” even more strongly, and identify my key means of recovery in the rush of everyday life. The lessons I learned from Aurora’s coaching are already part of everyday life.”

“I got really good tools to reflect on my career development. Aurora asked well-targeted questions that helped me look at my abilities and potential from a new perspective. She gave space to reflect and give words to things that are rarely thought through so deeply and with time. I highly recommend Aurora’s coaching!”

“With Aurora's help, I was able to identify emotional and thinking patterns that have long hindered my development. I received concrete support and made progress in unlocking my barriers. Aurora challenged my thinking when necessary and, on the other hand, guided me forward in an encouraging way.”

How much does it cost?

I know many coaching services are inaccessible due to their high price tag, so I’ve created a pricing policy relative to your disposable income. Disposable income means the money you have at your disposal after you’ve paid your taxes and rent/mortgage.

High-income tier:
disposable income equal to or above 2000€/month > 1290€.

Medium income tier:
disposable income between 1000–1999€/month > 990€.

Low-income tier:
disposable income less than 1000€/month > 890€.

Now, I know this can be a lot of money, especially if this is your first time buying coaching services. But think of it this way: the results of this work can save you, for example, the following costs:

  • Dozens of failed client relationships or job applications.

  • Therapy costs resulting from burning out doing a job that doesn’t feel rewarding.

  • Going after jobs below your level because you don’t recognise your true value.

  • Years of wondering what you should be doing with your life.

Also, remember that if you get this Navigation Package right, you might become:

  • an acknowledged expert in your field who many organisations are desperate to hire.

  • able to showcase the true impact of your work and be proud of what you’ve created.

  • a thriving human being who feels passionate about what they do, creates real change in the world, has a great work-life balance and inspires others.

Obviously, this depends on how much work you’re willing to put into this journey. The more you commit, the more you’ll get.

And because I want you to be 120% satisfied with this work, I have a money-back guarantee for our work together. If you feel like the coaching is not going to where you’d like it to go, you can say stop and get your money back. You’ll have full transparency about how this guarantee works before you make any financial commitments.

I know spending money on coaching can feel scary. It took me months and months before I dared to spend hundreds, let alone thousands of euros on my first coaching programs. If you’re anything like me, the questions in your mind are probably something like: Can I trust that the coaching will deliver the result I’m looking for? What if I will just be told things I already know? What if I just don’t click with the content?

I want you to spend your money wisely and feel like working with me was worth every cent and more. That’s why I offer a full money-back guarantee on all my private coaching and online courses. Before committing to any product or service, you’ll learn more about how this works. So, financially speaking, there’s no losing game here. You either get value for your money or you get your money back. Simple as that.

Are you ready to learn what the Navigation Package could look like for you? Chat with me for free with no strings attached.

Take the next step

Take the next step

We can all get a little lost searching for answers alone in the wild. Coaching is a safe space that holds you accountable to the things that really matter to you.