My wellness events

Workshop: Wake & Shake

A glorious morning filled with moving, grooving, and finding your centre.

22nd of September, 2024
The Seed
Lagos, Portugal

Start your Sunday by discovering new ways to connect with yourself. 

In this workshop, you'll be invited to use flowing asanas, free movement, shaking, tapping, dancing, and meditation to release stuck energy and establish movement that feels authentic to you. 

The practice will accompany a musical journey to help you enter your flow state. Whether you're a seasoned yogi, enthusiastic ecstatic dancer or just curious about moving in new ways, come as you are and leave feeling refreshed and deeply in tune with your body, heart and mind. 

Course: The Bump Tribe

1st of October– 3rd of December
Soluna Space
Lagos, Portugal

Are you carrying a big mission in your tummy and feeling a bit lost with your exercise routine? Wish you had some fellow mamas-to-be to laugh with and wonder about this condition called pregnancy? The Bump Tribe Prenatal Yoga Course might be just the ticket for your expanding waistline and social circle!

This 8-week course is all about reconnecting with your changing body, building some gentle strength, and making friends with other soon-to-be moms. Whether you're a mom-in-the-making or already have a small army of little ones, come as you are – baby bump and all. This is your chance to embrace the wild ride of pregnancy and connect with other waddling warriors. We promise not to judge if you need a bathroom break every five minutes :)

Classes start on October 4th, sign up before the end of September to reserve your spot!